The concept of cloud music storage is that users can upload files of absolutely any quality, be it demos or songs with “raw vocals”.
The founders of the company are Alex Leung and Erik Valfors.
A well-known sound engineer and critic came up with a scheme for the site that would manage only music, without introducing other social network features that distract from listening to tracks.
Eric Valfors was the first to propose to start promoting the cloud service precisely as a means for promoting young performers.
In 2006, the first attempts to develop the platform began, and a year later it began its work.
Popular record labels are constantly on the lookout for top channels and fast growing pages.
Thus, they look for potential stars and offer them a contract.
For musicians, this is an easy and fast way to get recognition, as well as communicate with their fans, get their opinions, wishes and comments.
For regular users, this is the place to find unique music and store your own files.