How to improve vocabulary?

Aug 14, 2023 - 11:55 PM

  • Quick reply
  • In my opinion, to learn English effectively, you need to learn ten new words every day with the correct pronunciation. And you can successfully practice English at home. Read the article about kitchen words and repeat this every day until the information is completely fixed in you. This approach will provide you with a good vocabulary and increase your level of English.

  • Do not be lazy to look into the dictionary and do not hesitate to ask the interlocutor again if you do not understand what he is talking about. There is no shame in confessing your ignorance. This is better than pretending to understand everything, continuing an unproductive conversation and losing the chance to learn something new.

    Your usual social circle is constantly “cooked” in the same lexicon, because you have the same interests and topics for discussion. You have probably noticed that when someone from your company finds another job or meets new people, his speech changes. He sprinkles with unusual words, jokes, and even the manner of speaking can become completely different.

    Every new person changes you. Therefore, strive to constantly expand the circle of your acquaintances. Chat at the gym, shop, go to more events, and connect online. Don't push away those who are different from you.
