Sweatpants Goblin

Scent Notes: Rich, buttery goodness with crystallized honeycomb and the coziest pair of sweatpants ever.

It’s been one of those weeks. Scratch that; it’s been one of those months. You know the kind: the days at work are endless; everywhere you go there’s terrible traffic and it takes four times as long to get anywhere; you’re eating your sad salad at your desk at work to make sure you meet the deadlines that just keep piling up. When you finally get home, you eat a frozen meal on the couch, with bad TV on for company while you work on your side hustle, and pass out in bed with your clothes on after your elaborate skincare routine is finally finished. But not now. Now, it’s finally time. It’s Friday night; your weekend is totally free. You can transform into who you really are: a Sweatpants Goblin. 

You put on your favorite, oversized, stained with who-knows-what pair of cozy sweatpants that you stole from an ex an unfathomable number of years ago. You’re planting your butt on the couch with as many buttery foods as possible, with a side of sweet delicious desserts to go with, and you’re not moving until Sunday night, when you’ll realize that being your true goblin self means you need to deep-clean your place and go grocery shopping and attempt to pass as a normal human again. But not yet.

For now, you’ll eat your giant bowl of popcorn… well, it’s really a bowl of melted butter with some popcorn in it, let’s be real, butter is the best part. And you’ll take bites of that giant banana cream pie you picked up at the fancy bakery on your way home from work, because buttery banana is just delicious, okay? Goblins eat whatever they want; this is a judgment-free zone. So go ahead, lose yourself in that Real Housewives or Killing Eve or that new true crime docuseries everyone’s talking about (or all three). You are the Goblin King, now. You can do anything… or better yet, you can do absolutely nothing.

Scent Notes: Rich, buttery goodness with crystallized honeycomb and the coziest pair of sweatpants ever.