Hey, we’ve heard you’re having money problems. No, not monkey problems, money problems. Deny it all you want, but you know how you can make it all go away? Declaring bankruptcy! It’s nature’s do-over; a fresh start. Simple enough. You should definitely stand on top of a desk and declare it at the top of your lungs, because you can’t just say the word, you have to declare it, loud and clear. Whoever or whomever hears it now knows you’ve declared it, and you’re all set. That’s the way it works, right? Wait, that’s not it? Well, guess you’ve gotta hop a train out of town now. Feels good to run away from your responsibilities.
Scent Notes: A large hot chocolate, tobacco flower, stacks of paper (both actual paper, because you’re the boss of selling paper, and stacks of money, because the kids call it “paper,” and you’re hip with the youths), bitter almond.
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