Scent Notes: She sits at the bar, drinking something that could be bourbon, or perhaps it's scotch. Both? The bar smells of fresh tobacco and aged vanilla. You need a pick me up, so you're drinking a cafe mocha spiked with rum. She turns and smiles at you, her eyes amber dark. She beckons you over, and as you walk, unable to stop yourself, the air turns earthy, a blend of patchouli and leather, the scents wafting off of her. These new notes mix with the coffee in your hand and the smell of the bar and intoxicate you more than your drink has. Uh-oh.
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You follow her to a booth in the back corner, and sit down across from her, your hands shaking slightly. You take a sip of your mocha, then regret it, as it just makes you shakier. You say your name is Jamie, and she introduces herself as Alice. You talk for several hours, the liquor flowing the whole time. You hardly drink, sipping the same mocha as it gets steadily colder. She hardly stops drinking, and yet she never seems intoxicated. Platters of food arrive out of nowhere, and she consumes them so rapidly you hardly notice there was even food to begin with. Time is simultaneously languid and fast. You’re conscious that you have eaten, but you don’t know what. You’d come to the hotel bar just for a drink after a long day at a work conference. This was the last thing you’d expected.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
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