Theresa sighed, swiping left for approximately the fiftieth time in a row. “I will never, ever find a man,” she announced to her roommate, Becca, who was cooking them a healthy dinner of macaroni and cheese. Theresa down the rest of her wine, and Becca swiftly arrived with the bottle, pouring the rest into Theresa’s glass. “It is completely and totally hopeless.” Becca rolled her eyes in agreement. “I know what you mean, but honestly, just stop trying! You might be surprised!” She strolled back into the kitchen and popped another bottle open; it was a Friday night, after all. Why not? They were both postgraduate students working in the same lab at the local university, studying hereditary diseases and biology. They could both go into more specific, scientific detail, but that’s not the point of this story.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
Scent Notes: A bubbling concoction of thick, resinous elimi brewed in a cauldron in the stone cellars of an old, forgotten manor house. Candles light the walls and have dripped for hundreds of years. Cardamom and sweet oud, and an unexpected touch of bright sassafras.
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