Scent Notes: A farm in the fall, complete with hay rides for the whole family. A mossy bonfire crackles in the distance, where people are gathered around, eating sweet pumpkin cookies.
Kyle and Miranda were the proud owners of the small farm and farmhouse out on Old Mill Road, fittingly named Old Mill Farms. They’d been working the land for years, operating a successful family business, when Kyle got drastically sick, then had a major stroke. He lost the use of most of the left side of his body. It forced the couple into an earlier retirement than normal. They converted the basement of the farmhouse into a one bedroom apartment to make it easier for them; less going up and down the stairs to use the bathroom or go to bed.
They had farmhands and plenty of help, and thanks to Miranda’s savvy financial skills, they were doing just fine with their money. But the stress of running the farm for so long by herself while Kyle was sick, helping him recover, and keeping up with the day-to-day chores and basic life things gave Miranda a nasty case of pneumonia. Thankfully, she also recovered, and that’s when the two decided to shut down the farm and live quietly alone in the countryside. Their favorite place to be was together, after all. They’d lived in solitude for a few years when they decided they would rent out the top of the farmhouse and live in the basement. But, before they could begin to advertise, they started to hear strange noises upstairs. Creaking floorboards, slamming doors, strange beeping began to happen at random times. Every time Miranda came upstairs to investigate, there was no one there. She never saw anything, or anybody, but strange things were happening.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
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