Scent Notes: Sun-ripened guava juice in an ancient tomb, covered in salty caramel.
Brodie Brown sighed. He was trying to learn anatomy and become a doctor, but the lack of available bodies to practice on was making it incredibly difficult. It’s 1820, and Brodie had come to Scotland after his father’s death. His father had always told him he was stupid and lazy, and he had no faith that Brodie was bright enough to become a doctor. While he knew it wouldn’t be an easy profession to learn, and he was full of self-doubt from years of his father telling him he was stupid, he hadn’t expected the roadblock of “not enough dead bodies” to be his biggest issue. Who’d have thought that was even a possibility? It was only while he was in school that he learned about resurrectionists, who were not a new faction of the Church of England as Brodie originally thought. They were the people who had been robbing graves for corpses to provide medical students and doctors with bodies so they could practice and learn. Now, with the advent of the mortsafe, it was nearly impossible to get any body. How was he supposed to work and study without a cadaver to dissect? He’d only been able to dissect one body so far, and that was before he was officially in medical school. Many of his colleagues seem to not have a problem by just studying their textbooks, but Brodie had always been more of a hands-on, visual learner. Reading out of a book didn’t let him absorb the information quite as well. As such, he was doing poorly in his classes, and what he needed was a body to practice on.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
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