Hot Toddy

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  • Scent Notes
    Strong black tea, lemon, honey, and a touch of cinnamon.
  • Description

      Scent Notes: Strong black tea, lemon, honey, and a touch of cinnamon.

      Blended by Beth. Beth is the scent genius behind Overmorrow, and has designed some of our most popular Suc blends

      Father Kevin had been a staple at the Johnson family Christmas for as long as anyone could remember. Not that most of the family attended church regularly anymore, except for Mitchell and Constance. Well, really, Constance was the one who went the most and insisted that Father Kevin show up for all holidays. And he did, as Constance liked to show her devotion to the church with a card full of cash and a bottle of nice whiskey for him every Christmas, and why would he pass that up? He didn’t openly drink in front of his constituents, but the family had figured out over the years that the mugs of black tea he drank all evening were actually very strong hot toddies.... Click here to read the rest of the story!

      Scent Notes: Strong black tea, lemon, honey, and a touch of cinnamon.

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