Superheroes Don't Wear Their Own Merch

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  • Scent Notes
    Ozone, ripe, juicy oranges, Melissa leaf, neroli.
  • Description

      Scent Notes: Ozone, ripe, juicy oranges, Melissa leaf, neroli.

      The day had finally arrived: The convention center was full of people setting up their booths, with workers dropping off folding tables, boxes of merch, and troubleshooting issues for the assembled superheroes and supervillains. The convention wouldn’t start until the following day, but the truce between the villains and heroes started early so everyone could set up their booths the day before the action really began. Feminista and Ann Adote were walking through the center, checking their map, trying to figure out where their booth was in a sea of different-shaped boxes. They’d sprung for a bigger booth on a corner, which was more expensive but gave them far more room than the standard-sized space. True, it was an outrageous price to pay, but the convention garnered more fans for them every year, and it gave them a chance to check out the latest trends in slash-proof fabrics and crazy new gadgetry. Plus, where else could they see their other super friends outside of battle or arduous travel to secret lairs across the world? It always ended up being worth it. As they walked nearer to their booth, a booming voice rose above the din of tables being folded up and tape being ripped open. “Noooooo,” Feminista moaned softly. “I thought we requested a space AWAY from him this year?” Ann was about to respond when Captain Mansplain suddenly bolted in front of them.... Click here to read the rest of the story!

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