Underpants On The Outside

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  • Scent Notes
    A freshly baked marzipan cake topped with buttercream, sprinkled with caramelized sugar and a small drizzle of honey, left on the countertop with a lovely note telling you to eat it, and you have no reason at all to suspect that it’s poisoned except for that slightly faint hint of wormwood coming through the sweetness but hey, someone needs to eat this delicious cupcake right? There’s no way this could end poorly.
  • Description

      *Formerly known as It's a Trap! Now with a new name and story!*

      Scent Notes: A freshly baked marzipan cake topped with buttercream, sprinkled with caramelized sugar and a small drizzle of honey, left on the countertop with a lovely note telling you to eat it, and you have no reason at all to suspect that it’s poisoned except for that slightly faint hint of wormwood coming through the sweetness.

      “Cheers!” everyone yelled as they clinked their glasses together over the longest table they’d ever seen. “To another successful convention in the books!” Feminista added, which garnered several extra cheers. The superheroes and villains were in the final official night of their truce, which lasted the entirety of the convention, but which would officially end tomorrow morning when they all woke up, likely hungover, and therefore the truce usually lasted an extra day or two unofficially while they all recovered back in their hideouts/evil lairs. For now, though, they were having a fun time at the bar down the street from the convention center where they’d all been for the last four days, first setting up, then actually attending the panels, events, screenings, merch booths, signings, etc. that happen over the course of three very long days under fluorescent lighting. They’d spent this afternoon/evening taking everything down and packing up, and now they just needed to let loose a little. Feminista and Ann Adote were in the center of the table, holding court, while various other heroes and villains surrounded them. Ann and Feminista were currently regaling the story of how Captain Mansplain had attempted to hijack their booth before the convention had even begun.... Click here to read the rest of the story!

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