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  • Scent Notes
    Warm vanilla and tobacco, sweet cinnamon sugar, spicy cardamom and clove.
  • Description

      A puzzling or difficult problem. The heart of the matter. A central point requiring resolution: Crux can mean so many different (similar and also contradictory) things, like so many things in life! Our definition is simple: A classically beautiful scent for fans of sweety, spicy, warm, gourmand-y, vanilla goodness. We think that’s simple enough!

      Scent Notes: Warm vanilla and tobacco, sweet cinnamon sugar, spicy cardamom and clove.

      Note: Beth, who has blended some of our most popular fragrances, also has a scent named Crux in her shop, Overmorrow, though these scents are very different takes on. the same concept! Click here to shop her version. If the link doesn't work, it's because the shop is currently offline and closed to orders. The link will only work when the shop is up and running, so try again in the future!

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