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  • Scent Notes
    Oleander, narcissus, spiced chai, dirt, and leather.
  • Description

      We wanted every scent in our Superbloom collection to feature one standout floral note, often backed by other flowers. Each one was blended by one of our employees to their own specifications, wants, and needs in a floral scent. You may have heard of Nerium by its more commonly used name, Oleander. Oleanders are robust, gorgeous, highly fragrant flowers that are prized for their beauty. They also contain several lethal compounds and are not to be trifled with. Beauty and danger? Winning combination, in our eyes! But if you want the Nerium scent without the hazards, this might be the scent for you.

      Scent Notes: Oleander, narcissus, spiced chai, dirt, and leather.

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