With everything that’s happening in the world on any given day, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being negative, angry, disdainful, etc., with everyone and everything around us. Add on annoying things that happen in our daily lives and it seems downright impossible to feel or be anything besides the worst impulses of our basic nature. We can get so wrapped up in the negative that we forget that we have the opposite as well: our better angels. Even if we haven’t used their guidance in a while, our better angels are there to remind us that we can choose to be kind, loving, and gentle, even on our worst days. While the temptation to “go low” might always be there, may your better angels always persevere and remind you that you can always be a kinder, gentler human with yourself and everyone around you.
Scent Notes: A bountiful vase of peonies next to a hot cup of black tea with hints of tonka.
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