Since this is a scent that is released once a year, it is limited edition and therefore ineligible for return.
If you’ve been wearing perfumes for a while, you’ve probably heard of the dreaded Death Note. It’s the scent note that, for whatever reason, doesn’t work with your body chemistry, and that lovely honey scent on your best friend smells like a urinal on you. Or maybe florals turn into a cat box, or your body amps leather so much you smell like a seedy San Francisco nightclub the moment it touches your skin. Maybe you just hate patchouli! There’s a lot of ways a scent can turn into a Death Note, so we decided to honor that this April Fool’s Day by combining all the most common notes into one super Death Note scent.
Scent Notes: All the possible death notes together: patchouli, a bouquet of roses, lavender, and powdery violets, warm honey, milk, wax, and a drop of indole to seal the deal.
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