Sucreabeille presents: Real Humans of Genius. Today we salute you, the 80 SPF sunblock wearer. Your coconut-scented forcefield blocks out all the sun’s rays, and any stray rays, from another sun, in another galaxy. And don’t forget the moonlight rays. You’re a star! Because wearing anything under 80 SPF is basically like wearing cooking oil. So splash on some Coconut Scented Forcefield at high noon in the desert. Or any time of the day. Or night.
(If you don’t know what we’re talking about, we refer you to a famous beer company’s series of TV and radio ads titled “Real Men of Genius” from the early 2000s.)
Scent Notes: A hearty slice of coconut cream pie eaten outside on a hot summer day after you’ve slathered your body in your favorite coconut-scented sunscreen, the air swirling with notes of sandalwood, vetiver, sassafras, and cumin CO2.
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