Scent Notes: Fresh baking black bread with honey and butter, dalmation sage, white thyme, rosemary.
You open your door, hands full of bags because you aren’t doing more than one trip from your car, and kick the door shut behind you, striding quickly into your enormous, immaculate kitchen. You’ve been to the grocery store and two different farmer’s markets this morning, and it’s just barely 9am, but you needed to stock up your own pantry and start cooking for your catering business. First, though: a snack. You open your bread box and take out the loaf of sourdough you made yesterday, slice off a chunk, and put it in your toaster oven. While it toasts, you begin to unload and organize for the day ahead. In just a few hours the whole kitchen will be a mess, full of dirty dishes, crumbs and flour on every surface, scents mingling together while you hum with satisfaction.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
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