Chapter 4: Blood RoseChapter 4: Blood Rose
Chapter 5: Black RoseChapter 5: Black Rose
Chapter 6: Steel RoseChapter 6: Steel Rose
Chapter 7: Wood RoseChapter 7: Wood Rose
Chapter 8: Stone RoseChapter 8: Stone Rose
Chapter 10: Desert RoseChapter 10: Desert Rose
Chapter 11: Death RoseChapter 11: Death Rose

 Read the Anthology

We put together this handy list of the Steel Roses anthology so you can read each chapter in succession. 

Chapter 1: Briar Rose

Chapter 2: Glass Rose

Chapter 3: Flame Rose

Chapter 4: Blood Rose

Chapter 5: Black Rose

Chapter 6: Steel Rose

Chapter 7: Wood Rose

Chapter 8: Stone Rose

Chapter 9: Paper Rose

Want more stories?

Broken Hearts Anthology

Chapter 1: Broken HeartChapter 1: Broken Heart
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Chapter 2: Black HeartChapter 2: Black Heart
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Chapter 3: Bleeding HeartChapter 3: Bleeding Heart
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Chapter 4: Beating HeartChapter 4: Beating Heart
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Chapter 5: Heavy HeartChapter 5: Heavy Heart
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Chapter 6: Cold HeartChapter 6: Cold Heart
RetiredSold out

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