Scent Notes: A bright guava mousse.
Catch up with the first chapter, Tesseract, before starting this one!
“Neverwas.” What did that mean, exactly? Mandy’s brain had gone completely blank, her body felt numb. The twins were still running around, shrieking, without a care in the world. She knew they were smart, but like, couldn’t they understand this was not a time for playing and screaming? Their mother was missing somewhere, leaving behind only a cryptic note. She’d seen a weird, robotic version of her father that was also definitely not her father. Her brain felt scrambled, which made sense, because she had just traveled through space and time and was immediately thrown into trying to solve this mystery of her missing mother. Her eyes were dry from already crying; her throat hurt from screaming; all she wanted to do was go to sleep and wake up and realize this had all been a horrible dream....
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