Since this is a scent that is released once a year, it is limited edition and therefore ineligible for return.
If you’ve been on the internet long enough, you know about the Cat for Tax. Basically, in order for your post to get attention on a page (or in our Facebook group, which you should totally join), you add a picture of your cat for “tax,” aka, a picture of your cat so people notice your post/the picture appeases the unspoken internet rules that say you must post a picture for anyone to pay attention to you/you add a picture of your cat to the post because they’re a cute little stinky baby you want to share with the world/or some combination thereof. Of course, there’s lots of variations on this now, with pictures of other pets, scent hauls, fun memes, screenshots of tweets, whatever. But we’re fond of the original: Cat for Tax forever.
Scent Notes: Warm, musky vanilla dusted with cinnamon and sugar, kitten fur, a cozy flannel blanket.
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