Disclaimer: Some people think astrology is bunk; others have complete faith in it. We tend to think of it as fun, and have a more lighthearted approach. Whether you hate it or love it is totally up to you, and we support your choice to love and/or hate the idea!
Libras love balance in everything, which is why they’re represented by scales. Keeping things harmonious is the name of the game, but make no mistake, because they know what they want, they’re just interested in keeping the peace … most of the time, at least. They love partnership in all its forms, and are known to be highly into aesthetics and intellectualism, regardless of the cost and/or time involved to get to those places. Your friend who throws over-the-top themed dinner parties? The one who gossips but struggles to make a decision when you ask them what they want for dinner or to name only their top five records/movies/TV shows, etc., of all time? The friend that has the most eclectic, coolest wardrobe of anyone you know? The one that wants, and often gets, the best of both worlds? The air sign that can navigate any social situation with ease? All signs point to Libra. Thank you, Libra, for being so considerate of other people, for listening to all sides of the story, for your unending quest for balance while still teaching us to treat ourselves to the aesthetic life we deserve to live.
Scent Notes: Creamy white amber, basil, paper, sparkling linden blossom.
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