Disclaimer: Some people think astrology is bunk; others have complete faith in it. We tend to think of it as fun, and have a more lighthearted approach. Whether you hate it or love it is totally up to you, and we support your choice to love and/or hate the idea!
You’d think that Scorpios, a notoriously passionate, sexual, spicy sign, would be a fire sign. But no! Scorpios are water signs who also crave stability and true companionship from those around them. They’re cunning and always planning seven steps ahead of you, but not always in a bad way! (Though you should beware their sting.) They just know what they want and how to get it, so if you need new negotiation skills to get your overdue raise, or help plotting getting your life from a to z, talk to a Scorpio. They’ll happily help you get what you want, as long as you’re willing to put in the work of being an emotionally intimate friend to them in return, which is really what they want, what they really, really want. Their passion isn’t just reserved for sex, though that’s what they are famously known for, and rightfully so, but that high intensity spills over into every other area of their life. When they’re feeling generous, the recipient of their generosity should thank their lucky stars. For now we thank you, Scorpio, for being so ardent, adventurous, cunning, and downright sexy in all the best ways.
Scent Notes: A summer rainstorm, white Egyptian amber, bright pink peppercorns, dalmatian sage.
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