The role of social support

Feb 27, 2024 - 7:18 AM

  • Sometimes stress is caused by uncertainty or lack of information about a situation. In such cases, talking to people who can give you the information or advice you need can make the situation more manageable and therefore reduce stress.

  • Hi! Indeed, social support can have a significant effect on our well-being and stress levels. If you're interested in understanding this process in more depth, I highly recommend checking out the blog at called 'How Does Social Support Reduce Stress: Importance of Communities by Interests'. It looks at different aspects of social support and its impact on our mental health, with examples from research and practical advice. I hope it's useful for you!

  • Hi everyone!!! I've recently started noticing that social support plays a huge role in my life. But it's still not entirely clear to me exactly how it helps reduce stress. Can anyone share information or recommend some resources to better understand this process?
