
Feb 23, 2019 - 10:50 AM

  • sadly, my skin amps Sucreabeille's spice notes. All I get here is dusty, dry cinnamon.

  • I love khaleesi! The oranges come through the most, but the cinnamon and nutmeg are also there to remind you that this isn't your standard queen. She's sweet, but there's an edge to her once she finds some power and has her brother killed. Medium to low throw and lasts about 6 ish hours.

  • I've just put on Khaleesi for the first time and it doesn't smell like orange at all on me (which is disappointing because I'm really looking for something with a strong orange scent). The spices are what I strongly smell. Don't get me wrong, it smells good and I like it, but it doesn't smell like orange on me. I don't know if that's a my skin thing or anything else.

  • I am totally in love with Khaleesi! It smells spicy and has a bright orange note. When I want to get real sassy I layer it with after glow and I smell like a sensual goddess!
