Mother of Dragons

Mar 11, 2019 - 2:55 PM

  • The leather takes over for me, but I can detect some of the vanilla and more of the smoke and spices. (7/10). I've started layering this with Sansa to even it out a bit more, which makes it AMAZING on my skin. It's very nice, but also badass. This is my go to when I'm in a leather jacket and combat boots kind of mood. 9.5/10 when layered with Sansa.

  • You ever get described as someone who takes no shit, but at the same time has a big ol' nurturing heart? You might be the inspiration for Mother of Dragons. The description fits perfectly. Sweet vanilla/maple come through, so nurturing and comforting... but with leather and a touch of smoke nobody dare fuck with you. The leather and smoke come through but just the perfect amount. I thought actual leather smelled good, then I wore this scent. One of my Sucreabeille favorites!
