My Favorite Murder Podcast Collection
You, Murderino, are fresh, feisty, and fierce. You use a scent that reflects who you are with notes of grapefruit, vanilla, and honey - sweet yet tart and all sass. You know it’s always ok to fuck politeness, not to go in the woods, and you never leave your drink alone. You don't say "Sorry, not sorry" you say "LISTEN ASSHOLE!". So don't let toxic masculinity ruin the party again - Stay Sexy and Don't Get Murdered.
Scent notes: Tahitian vanilla, rich honey, fresh grapefruit
Here’s the thing: Fuck Everyone
You come home after a long day: you somehow ground dirt into your white shirt (HOW?), your friend ditched you, and the train held up your commute for 30 minutes - AGAIN. Now as you lay down to turn on some murder documentaries some asshole is knocking on your door, pleading with you to use your phone because their car broke down, and you don't see a car in sight. So you leave them knocking, call the police, and turn the murder documentaries up to 11 after slipping on this rich scent of rich dark chocolate, dirt (yes I said dirt-trust me guys), and amber and tucking in with a nice shot of bourbon. Because here's the thing-fuck everyone.
Scent notes: Bourbon, Rich chocolate, Dark amber, touch of dirt
You’re in a Cult, Call your Dad
Look, you have been through a lot. First your friend Karen is telling you about this wonderful resort out in Florida (it's always Florida) and next thing you know you're in a white robe praying to an Elvis look-a-like. Now you didn't drink the Kool-Aid for too long and you did the right thing: You called your dad. This scent is as close as you can get to being back home after a mind melting experience: warm flannel pajamas, the old tree in your front yard, a cup of steaming black tea, and snickerdoodle cookies - a lot like having tea and cookies at home and never calling Karen again.
Scent notes: Flannel, Sedona trees, Bergamot tea, snickerdoodle cookies