Linda was sure she’d rolled her eyes so far back into her head they were finally stuck, just like her mom had always threatened. To her amazement, her eyes rolled back up to the front, and she stared down at her plate of salad and the smallest scoop of mashed potatoes she could take while making her plate look fuller than it actually was. Her husband was hammered at Christmas dinner. Not that she was sober, mind you; she’d arrived at her mother’s house earlier with a crockpot and several bottles of red wine to make hot mulled wine. Linda then proceeded to drink most of it, although she suspected her slightly-underage niece of swiping some of it for herself.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
Scent Notes: Red wine mulled with cinnamon, oranges, brown sugar and pepper, grapefruit and cardamom, and a hint of bitter accord.
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