Coffee, teas of all colors, we're all huge fans of this magical molecule at the lab!
Caffeine Poisoning Two black teas, a shot of espresso, a dash of sweet mocha and coffee absolute make for a caffeinated take off. Cassia and black oud come out to play on the drydown.
Cream Tea A warm mug of creamy, frothy, caffeine-injected tea. A blend of chai tea, burnt sugar, white musk, warm milk, and hot scones slathered with raspberry jam and honey.
Cup of Ambition Sticky marshmallow, three kinds of coffee, no limits.
Goblin Goblin Goblin Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, rich vanilla, and a touch of lavender.
Victoriana Deceptively delicious bergamot black tea, fresh milk, honey straight from the hive, a perfect tea biscuit, freshly grated ginger and nutmeg.
Every single fragrance we offer can be found here.
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