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Free gifts with purchase tiers, free US shipping at $100, an extremely generous return policy and so much more!


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New Releases

Shop This Week's Releases And More!

Candle ShineCandle Shine

Candle Shine

From $10.50
Death UnicornDeath unicorn perfume

Death Unicorn

From $11
Lorem IpsumLorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

From $10.50
Chapter 4: Blood RoseChapter 4: Blood Rose
Chapter 5: Black RoseChapter 5: Black Rose

Helpful sale Q & A' S

Can I use my Sugar Points rewards during this sale?

If you're using Sugar Points (our rewards system) at checkout, those count as a discount on your order, so keep that in mind if you're trying to hit a specific sales tier! (For example, if you're at $100, and use a $6 code, your total will go down to $94.)

Will I get free shipping if I use Klarna or Afterpay for this sale?

If you're using Klarna/Afterpay and your individual payments are less than $100 each, free shipping will not show up as an option because it won't read your total order, just the first payment you're making.

Does my Scent Subscription count towards free shipping?

Subscription bags ship separately from all other orders, so they are not eligible for free shipping. The rest of your order will ship for free as long as it's over the qualifying sales tier, and you are in the US!

Will I get free shipping if I checkout with Paypal?

Free shipping likely won't show up if you're checking out through an app like Paypal directly, so try the longer checkout process or log out of your accounts first! There are also some items that are marked as not being able to ship internationally, and automatically show a shipping charge, no matter where in the world you live. Please email us if this happens to you, or if you have any other questions or issues! Our email is shopsucreabeille@gmail.com.

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