Scent Notes: A truly rare blend of mosswater, copal resin, ylang ylang, and black musk.
Blended by Beth. Beth is the scent genius behind Overmorrow, and has designed some of our most popular Suc blends
Your head breaks the surface of the water, and you take a gigantic, gasping breath. You’ve been swimming for several hours, your strong arms and legs propelling you the length of the pool. At the end, you do a swift flip turn, and go back the way you came. Having your own pool, while living so close to the ocean, is both your greatest luxury and an absolute necessity. You need the water; you come alive in it. Without the ability to swim every day, or at least to be able to look out and see yourself surrounded by water, you’re not sure you’d survive. Okay, that’s dramatic, but seriously, if you could snap your fingers and become a mermaid, you’d do it with almost no hesitation.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
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