You've always been the kind of woman who makes weak men anxious, and you consider that one of your best qualities. Never afraid to speak up, and never willing to back down for the sake of “keeping the peace,” or “acting like a goddamn lady for once, Jesus,” you've been called a lot of names over the years, and those don't phase you either. (We won't list all the names here because a) there's too many, and b) you would think people could be more original or inventing with their insults, like, use your imagination, damn!) What are you exactly? Some may say a femme fatale, killing it in a red dress and lips to match. We’re reclaiming the idea of a Mouthy Broad: the woman who takes no shits, drinks all the whiskey, and smashes the empty bottle on the floor and screams, “Another!” This scent will bring out the Mouthy Broad in anyone, and we think that's a very good thing.
Scent Notes: A cloud of cigar smoke, freshly picked roses, a full glass of whiskey.
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