Scent Notes: A quick burst of gasoline that dries down to gorgeous, sparkling florals: roses, peonies, freesia, lilac, and daisies.
“I just know it’s going to be bad, I can just tell!” Carol was sobbing, absolutely inconsolable. It was the night before her birthday. The week leading up to her birthday was always the worst week of the year for her. It never failed: every year since she could remember, the week leading up to her birthday brought total chaos and destruction. One year, when she turned nine, she broke her leg and was in a cast for months because she kept ignoring the doctor’s orders to, y’know, be a kid. Two years later, the week had been going suspiciously well. But sure enough, the day before her birthday, she broke her right arm during a softball tournament, and was out for the rest of the season. For her 21st birthday, she had a flu so bad she couldn’t leave her bed for over ten days, and by the time she was well enough to go to a bar, nobody really cared that it was her birthday anymore. When she turned 25, she got dumped by her long-term partner mid-karaoke-celebration when she thought they were going to propose. She didn’t remember the rest of that night. Last year, she’d gotten laid off from her dream job on her birthday with absolutely no warning.
This year, however, things were going.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
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