Philip was a mild troublemaker his whole life. He’d always been well-liked, but any minor inconvenience to his family or his friends, and often total strangers, was likely his fault. For example, if there was one last cookie, or donut, or slice of cake, he ate it. No special treat could be set aside. Toilet paper not replaced? Philip’s fault. Barely any gas left in the car after he was driving? Philip didn’t fill up. Everyone always cursed him to eternal darnation every time they discovered the last chicken wing was gone, or the toilet seat was left up. He always laughed it off. He never committed any real sins. His misbehaviors were minor transgressions, at best, usually just annoyances for everyone … except Philip himself, of course.
Imagine his surprise when, one morning, he awoke not in his bed, but in a dark, hot cave. The smell of sulphur was permeating his nostrils, and there was a random pomegranate tree growing out of the ground and flourishing. He got up to grab a pomegranate, when he heard a cough coming from the distance behind him. It was the kind of cough that said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He turned and saw a huge, imposing figure. It was dark, so he could only make out the shape, which appeared to his eyes to be not entirely human.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
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