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  • Scent Notes
    Oatmeal stout, oak trees at night, the smell of a freshly fired Colt, incense from church, your favorite flannel shirt.
  • Description

      *Please Note: If you order the 1oz eau de parfum, you will receive the purple bottle with the fiery word, Idjit. 1mls and 10ml rollerballs will receive the new art with the hat, flannel, and flask.*

      Worn out from hunting all night? Join us for some beers in the junkyard. Nothing goes better with flannel than an oatmeal stout with good hunters. Fight back against the cold night with your collection of trucker hats.  


      And your Colt. Sorry.

      Scent Notes: Oatmeal stout, oak trees at night, the smell of a freshly fired Colt, incense from church, your favorite flannel shirt.

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