Let’s be honest: You’re not a morning person. You’d rather stay in bed as long as possible, sleeping, scrolling, whatever. Society would tell you that, since you’re not into mornings, you must be a night owl. Also wrong! Getting into bed early is, once again, your preference. You don’t have bursts of energy and inspiration at 9pm; that’s when you’re winding down for bed, thank you so much. So what does that make you? Well, if you’re anything like us, you might be an Afternoon Owl! You’re somewhere between the early bird and the night owl; sometime between 12pm-6pm is your golden time. That’s when your energy is up, your brain is working hard, and you can do six things at once with nary a blink. We salute you, the rare Afternoon Owl, for having energy at the perfect time of day.
Scent Notes: A big bush of lilacs blooming in tropical woods, a bowl of pistachios next to a loaf of freshly baked bread.
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