Autumn Ashes

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  • Scent Notes
    Smoky firewood, fresh figs and ripe kumquats, pepper and ginger, a whiff of coal.
  • Description

      Disclaimer: When we started this line over three years ago, we had no idea we’d soon enough be in a real pandemic. This series is meant as a fun, silly, lighthearted take on the traditional zombie apocalypse narrative. Enjoy! And make sure you're caught up on the story, or at least have read the chapter before this one, Candied Apple!

      Scent Notes: Smoky firewood, fresh figs and ripe kumquats, pepper and ginger, a whiff of coal.

      The whole camp was in mourning. The sudden, tragic death of Kevin permeated the air of the camp, and everyone was depressed. For weeks, they found bits of helicopter wreckage. She took to picking them up and throwing them over the ravine, screaming from the top of her lungs. All of her rage seemed to be on the surface, and she could hardly interact with Mallory or Nabil without feeling her blood boiling at the injustice and terror that they couldn’t get away from. Time passed; the weather turned colder and colder. The days grew ever-shorter, and the darkness sometimes felt like it might carry her away, somewhere dark, deep, and unreachable. But when the sun was shining, when she surveyed the life she’d managed to carve out during an actual zombie apocalypse, she tried to move forward. The ashes of Autumn were everywhere, but life carried on. Somehow.... Click here to read the rest of the story!

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