Your dad was the best dad ever, and now you’re taking on the title for yourself (or passing the mantle to your partner) as you watch your kids grow up. Or, maybe, your dad was not the best dad ever and now you’ve decided you’re going to do whatever it takes to not do the same things to your kids, which does make you (and/or your partner) the best dad ever. Or you’re a dad to only fur babies, but you’re still the best dad ever. Perhaps you’re reparenting yourself, and now you get to be the best dad ever just for you. There are so many ways to be a dad, and we think that every one of them, when asked, “What are you wearing? You smell amazing!” should be able to respond with, “Thanks! That’s the smell of the Best Dad Ever.”
Scent Notes: A picnic breakfast in the forest: tiny cups of espresso, smoky, black pepper-coated bacon, white thyme, fennel, pine and fir trees, clary sage, a squeeze of lime.
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