Since this is a scent that is released once a year, it is limited edition and therefore ineligible for return.
Does cheese calm you down when you’re nervous? Do you regularly stay awake into the night eating cheese and singing your own cheese-based versions of songs, ie, “Working on my night cheese”? How much cheese is too much cheese? Well, the limit does unfortunately exist, and the day after eating all the cheese you might have a cheese hangover … which is usually cured by eating more cheese, obviously. Hair of the mouse that bit you, or something like that. Anyway, this scent is our eau de beaucoup fromage, the pinnacle of cheesy goodness, the master craft of eating three cheeseboards by yourself in one sitting and then regretting it the next day. But don’t worry: this scent doesn’t actually smell like cheese! It’s like all the good little sweet treats on the cheeseboard (honey, nuts, and fruit) because, clearly, you have enough cheese in your life already.
Scent Notes: Honey fresh from the comb, ripe, juicy figs and lychees, and salty pistachios on your fanciest platter, awaiting the addition of the star of the show: cheese. (Cheese not included.)
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