Since this is a scent that is released once a year, it is limited edition and therefore ineligible for return.
We’ve seen a lot over the years of running this business. We’ve also made a lot of changes along the way, and we’ve lost customers when we’ve done things like raise our prices in order to stay in business. One even let us know by saying, “I am very disappointed in you.” You’ve probably had similar experiences in your life, where you made a change for your own betterment, and it was met with disappointment from someone you know, or even someone you have never met. And guess what? That’s totally ok! Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business, babe. Keep moving onward and upward, doing what you need to do to succeed, no matter what other people think. Unless they’re paying your bills, pay them no mind. Maybe lean way in and make a perfume about it.
Scent Notes: Grapefruit creme brulee with a thick caramel center, a shot of whiskey, and a whisper of amber.
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