Chelsea sighed loudly over Kevin’s audible snores. This was not at all how she had imagined her Christmas day ending, even just a few days ago. She forced herself to concentrate on driving; thankfully, the snow that was falling was fluffy and light, like driving around a snow globe that has almost completely settled from its shaking. At least this was beautiful, and she had some presents to open once she got home. And at least she’d only snuck one mug full of cocoa and Irish cream before realizing Kevin was going to be too drunk to drive home tonight.
She had needed that one drink to take the edge off, though. Her parents had, at the last minute, decided they needed to “get away together,” and abandoned her for the holidays while they jumped on a flight to Jamaica to “focus on each other.” Ick. No child needs to hear those words, even if she was technically no longer an actual child.... Click here to read the rest of the story!
Scent Notes: Irish cream, salted caramel, espresso.
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