Things that go ‘bump’ in the night. Creepy crawly insects. Clowns, carnivals, circuses, and shadows. So many possessed dolls. Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, acrophobia. There are so many things that a person can be afraid of, and for many adults who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, those fears are a direct result of the pop culture we were allowed to consume with minimal adult supervision (or sometimes with adult encouragement). See a movie based on a Stephen King novel at too young an age? Congratulations, you might now be afraid of clowns/confinement/stalkers/cemeteries/hotels/ghosts/perhaps even cars or family pets! Were you watching a show about teens telling spooky stories around a campfire? Congratulations, you might have an irrational fear of mirrors, or refused to go on local carnival rides in case your soul ended up trapped in the ride with a caricature of your own face with a rictus grin on the ride itself! Perhaps you read one of the myriad of “children’s books” full of scary stories and now anyone who wears a velvet ribbon choker immediately scares you, or a story convinced you that a strange bump on your body is secretly full of spiders. So many options! So many terrors! SO MUCH NIGHTMARE FUEL!
Scent Notes: Black and sweet ouds, rosewood, tonka bean, spices.
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