Scent Notes: A giant scoop of lime, orange, raspberry rainbow sherbet.
At 7AM on the dot, Candy heard the knock on her shop door. Patty waved to her through the glass, clearly ecstatic to start this new job. Candy had no idea if she had any experience making candy, or serving people, but she just knew in her heart that Patty was the girl for the job. Candy let her in, and Patty practically ran across the threshold. “I just think this place is so magical!” she said, doing a little twirl. “Sorry. I just, I really needed a job, and you somehow knew that, and things have been very tough for me lately, and I could hardly sleep because I was so excited to start today. Thank you for giving me a chance,” she gushed at Candy. Her enthusiasm was completely contagious. Candy was thrilled to teach her the art of candy making.
“Today, we’re going to make Rainbow Sherbet Fancies. They’re delicious; it’s like a sweet rainbow of flavor in your mouth. I even make them look like little rainbows. They are one of our best sellers; you’ll see when we bring them out this afternoon. They go quickly.” Patty nodded excitedly, and they headed to the back of the shop to the kitchen to start the process. Patty was, thankfully, a quick learner, and wasn’t scared at all when Candy mentioned putting specific ideas and intentions into the candy as they made it. Rainbow Sherbets were for good luck, so while they made it, they had to think good thoughts and good luck wishes while they worked. “You know, I’d heard around town that your candy has special powers,” Patty said while they worked. “Though, of course, it’s all conjecture and rumor, and I think it only adds to the mystique and allure of the store.” Candy smiled, stirring the sugar as it melted in the giant saucepan. It was lovely to have a young, vibrant spirit in the store; another person who understood what she was trying to achieve during her long days. She wanted to make other’s lives happier, to fill the world with joy where it was lacking, and wasn’t it lacking in an awful lot of places lately? She was definitely seeing increased summertime traffic on the boardwalk, but not every shop was as successful as hers. There were an awful lot of sad people everywhere, or so it felt. For every group of happy women strolling under their parasols to protect themselves from the sun there was a depressed married couple walking by, arguing, or young men just returning from the war, their faces stoic, pale, and tragic. It just solidified Candy’s resolve to keep putting her magic into her candy making.
That afternoon once the shop opened for the day, they could barely keep up with the customers. Every customer was raving about how wonderful her candies were, and Patty was a natural. She was great with all the customers, especially the children. They loved her, and she had a natural knack for recommending candies to them. A group of boys, about ten years old, came in to get treats for sharing after their baseball game. “We’re playing our championship game today!” Patty smiled and gave them a bag of Rainbow Sherbets. “Have everyone eat one right before the game. They will bring you good luck, I promise! Come back tomorrow and tell us all about the game!” The boys handed her ten cents and ran out of the shop, already eating the fancies. A few other people overheard and ended up buying up the rest of the stock, as they all could use some good luck. One woman bought them for her husband for his job interview tomorrow; a small girl tried to buy one piece to give to her mother who’d been “sad” lately, according to the girl. Candy gave her a whole bag, on the house. “It sounds like you could both use some good luck,” she said with a smile. The girl’s eyes lit up wide, and she yelled a million thanks as she ran out the door. Patty whispered to Candy, “Doesn’t that make you a little sad?” Candy just smiled. “Why? We brightened her day, and good luck is on their way. We’ve just guaranteed that.” And both women grinned at each other, then went back to their work.
Scent Notes: A giant scoop of lime, orange, raspberry rainbow sherbet.
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