Scent Notes: Fizzing bright cherry candies.
Candy’s Sweet Shoppe had always been a hit with children, of course, but as word of Candy’s possible witchy powers spread throughout the town and neighboring city, more and more adults started showing up without their children, asking for specific treats for their children and themselves. There tended to be a bit of a slowdown around lunchtime as most people were eating lunch instead of just, you know, sweets, and that’s often when some of the adults would come in on their own with special requests. Usually, Candy had something on-hand. Feeling disgruntled? Lemon Fizz time. Need to calm down a bit? Crystal Mint to the rescue.
One afternoon in this slump before the crazy afternoon rush, a woman was staring into the shop’s windows, checking out the wares. She looked … hesitant, a little nervous. Patty saw her looking, caught her eye, and waved for her to come in. The woman folded up her parasol and stepped inside. “Welcome!” Patty said. “Can I help you find anything?”
The woman flushed and looked at the floor. “I’m just looking around,” she said quietly. “I’ve heard … very good things about your products, but I haven’t tried them myself. I was hoping you might have something that was delicious and perhaps….” she mumbled something further that Patty couldn’t understand. “I’m sorry?” Patty asked. “What was that?” The woman shook her head and started to turn around. “This is silly, I should go.” Candy came rushing out of the back, and gently put her hand on the woman’s shoulder, encouraging her to turn around. “It’s okay. We can help! What are you looking for?” The woman looked into Candy’s eyes, and whatever she found seemed to set her at ease. “I know you make candy and sweets for children, but, do you have anything that’s more for ... adults?” She raised her eyebrows a little as she said the word “adults.” Candy understood what she meant immediately. “I do, indeed. I keep a small supply in the back. Let me go get you a little bag, and if they work, please stop by and I can make you a fresh batch.” She patted the woman on the shoulder and went back into the kitchen. Patty smiled at her. “I promise you, we make only the best things, and Candy is magical. Everything she makes is fantastic. She’s taught me so much!” The woman smiled and nodded, and Candy came back with a small bag of red candies.
“I call these Sparkling Cherries,” she said with a glint in her eye. “They’re soft, gummy ring candy covered in sugar with the most delicious cherry flavor. They’re tart, they’re sweet, they’re impossible to put down. You can’t eat one or two; you must eat the whole bag with your beloved and you’ll both have the most fantastic night. I promise.” The woman flushed, and looked down at the floor yet again. “Thank you. We’ve lost that intimacy lately and I think it would be good for us to regain that. My husband works very long hours, and I have to tend to the children who are all young and it just wears us down.” Candy nodded. “You are far from alone. Please, try these for free. If you love them, I can always make more. And if they work, make sure to tell your friends,” she said with a wink. “Now, go, go on home. Take care of your babies. Wear them out so they sleep hard tonight, so you and your husband can be totally alone.” The woman smiled and left. Patty looked at Candy with a kind of shocked exhilarance. “Candy! I had no idea!” “Hey, sweets are not just for children, as you know. Why can’t adults have some fun, too?” The women laughed, then a group of kids ran in, and they started working again.
The next morning, as Patty walked up to the shop, she saw the woman from the day before waiting at the door. She looked a little frantic and unkempt, and Patty was afraid that the candies did not work and she had come to yell at both of them. Instead, the woman saw Patty and ran towards her, enveloping her into a gigantic hug. “You have saved my marriage!” she yelled. “You are miracle workers. I will buy your entire stock. All of it. Forever.” Patty started laughing and unlocked the door. “Come on in,” she said. “I’m sure Candy made plenty more, because she knew you’d want it.” Sure enough, there were several large bags on the counter waiting already, and the scent of cherries was emanating from the back. “I’m making more as we speak!” Candy yelled. “It’s why I couldn’t let you in, I’m so sorry. But, I cannot say I’m surprised you’re back so soon, although the fact that you were able to leave the house at all....” All the women just started laughing. It was going to be a great day.
Scent Notes: Fizzing bright cherry candies.
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