Scent Notes: Caraway seeds, raspberry ale, basil.
Marilyn felt like nothing was going right lately. She’d done the stupid thing and moved across the country to be with the guy she thought loved her unconditionally and that she definitely loved wholeheartedly. That is, until she walked into the living room of “their” new apartment and found her boyfriend hooking up with another girl, not even six weeks after she’d arrived. If that weren’t bad enough, before she could even react, another girl walked in from the bathroom, saw Marilyn, and said, “Really babe? You need a third girl tonight? I thought we saved that for special occasions!” Marilyn didn’t remember blacking out, but she remembered waking up on the floor of the kitchen with a bad headache and a roiling stomach. She sat up gingerly and found a note on the counter. Well, not even a note, it was a scrap of paper towel off the roll, and in lazy script it said, “This isn’t working out. See ya.” Sobbing hysterically, she walked around the apartment and found that everything that was “his” was gone. So he’d moved out and left her with a lease of an apartment she couldn’t afford by herself in a brand new part of the country in what was supposed to be their place.... Click here to read the rest of the story! (It gets better, we promise.)
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