Have you ever felt something so deep in your bones that you knew it was true without even thinking about it? Have you sensed an event happening before it occurred? Have you walked into a room and immediately felt the vibes were off so you left, or the vibes were so good you ended up staying longer than you’d thought? That was your unthought known speaking to you. It’s like intuition, a sense that something is important/good/bad/what-have-you that your conscious mind isn’t even aware of, because it didn’t make a decision. Your unthought known just … knew things already. It’s a pretty incredible power that you might not even be aware that you possess! Here’s a little exercise: The next time you feel that deep, primal knowledge, whether it’s good, bad, or something else, listen to it. The more you connect with your body, the more you connect to your Unthought Known.
Scent Notes: Peach blossoms, honeyed whiskey, tobacco, vanilla, a dusting of cinnamon sugar.
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