That’s right, our entire Frozen Embers line is here in one gigantic box! All of your favorite scents, including Arya Brienne the Beauty Cersei Direwolf Drogon Frozen Embers Greyjoy Iron Throne Jaime Khal Drogo Khaleesi, Know Nothing Liquid Gold Margaery Tyrell Melisandre Mother of Dragons The Moon Door The Mountain The Night King Sansa Three Eyed Raven Tormund Tyrion Varys Wildfire Ygritte. They’re all in gorgeous square drams that will look fantastic displayed in your bedroom, bathroom, or that storage closet you’ve turned into your perfume room.
Arya Scent Notes: Peaty oak moss, lemon verbena, frankincense, a double shot of aged bourbon, smoky sandalwood.
Brienne the Beauty Scent Notes: Newly cut grass on a hot summer day; smoky white musk; sweet Meyer lemon; real ginger; white tea; a fresh-picked Valencia orange.
Cersei Scent Notes: White thyme, freshly ground black pepper, black jasmine, amber.
Direwolf Scent Notes: Rosemary, finely grated ginger, cedarwood, fresh mahogany, teak.
Drogon Scent Notes: Smoky meat (mmm, bacon), campfire, sweet cherry tobacco.
Frozen Embers Scent Notes: The clashing of heavy leather meeting silky peppermint; smoke and cinnamon; snow and blood orange.
Greyjoy Scent Notes: Fresh ocean air; ripe, refreshing lemon and lime; severe thunderstorms; gloomy, rainy afternoons; tears.
Iron Throne Scent Notes: Ancient incense burnt in a tomb of darkness, the blood of a hundred dragons, bay laurel, pure, raw honey.
Jaime Scent Notes: Juniper, neroli, patchouli, cedar planks, sage, saffron.
Khal Drogo Scent Notes: Supple leather, smoky sandalwood.
Khaleesi Scent Notes: Fresh orange, spicy cinnamon, white musk, and freshly ground nutmeg.
Know Nothing Scent Notes: Pine needles, cedar planks, eucalyptus, mossy oak, fresh lemon verbena.
Liquid Gold Scent Notes: Rich spices, fields of lavender, bergamot black tea.
Margaery Tyrell Scent Notes: A freshly popped bottle of champagne; ripe, juicy peach; crisp cotton sheets; an English rose garden; ruby pomegranates; herbaceous sage; neroli.
Melisandre Scent Notes: The tangy musk of a frightened animal running for its life, smoke from the flames of a divinatory fire made by the Lord of Light himself, carrot seed oil applied liberally to the dead body of a hero to help raise him from beyond the pale, ancient incense wafting from the back of a chapel, spicy cinnamon sticks procured from an ancient, trusted, and tired market vendor.
Mother of Dragons Scent Notes: Sweet vanilla, smoke from the village you just burnt to the ground, decadent leather.
Sansa Scent Notes: Rich, fluffy buttercream frosting, real vanilla, pure lemon.
The Moon Door Scent Notes: A perfect pink orchid gleaming on a windowsill, a bouquet of lily of the valley clutched in the hands of a sobbing bride, well-oiled rosewood chess pieces knocked over in a rage mid-match from atop a large teak dining table.
The Mountain Scent Notes: Amber, a pint of oatmeal stout, pure golden honey.
The Night King Scent Notes: An abandoned wood cabin in the middle of the forest, the spicy aromas drifting through the air of a Mediterranean bazaar, black musky ancient catacombs beneath the earth, somehow full of sandalwood musk yet no living soul can be seen, the bodies of hundreds of men lining the walls, threatening to tumble onto you and trap you for eternity in their hallowed, haunted hallways.
Three Eyed Raven Scent Notes: Freshly squeezed lemon, fresh lemon verbena, gourmet dark chocolate.
Tormund Giantsbane Scent Notes: Peaty oakmoss from an expensive bottle of Scotch you only drink from on special occasions, a carpet of clover on the floor of an ancient enchanted forest, a piece of overpriced-yet-worth-it avocado toast from that hipster cafe that always has a 2 hour wait but is actually, surprisingly worth it, sitting under the dense canopy of a grove of giant red oak trees and enjoying the stillness and silence.
Tyrion Scent Notes: Vanilla, juicy green fig, freshly tanned leather.
Varys Scent Notes: Rich chocolate, patchouli, freshly whipped buttercream, peasant dirt.
Wildfire Scent Notes: Licorice, anise, smoky campfire, fresh cedarwood.
Ygritte Scent Notes: A thick cloud of Egyptian musk drifting from the stall of an outdoor market on an overcast afternoon. Coconut milk bought from a vendor hung with pikake flowers, as you rest in a field of sunflowers against an oak tree gazing at the bodies of your enemies.
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